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Online Comprehensive Sexuality Education Workshop
The evidence is clear. When young people have access to quality education about sexual and reproductive health, it empowers them…
Ministry of Youth and Sports led committee meets to finalize penal code reforms
The Ministry of Youth and Sports led committee, comprising members of the Youth Services Council in partnership with Wijeya…
How does IPPF work on Cervical Cancer?
IPPF's Comprehensive Cervical Cancer Prevention (CCCP) initiative includes primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention, which is…
FPA Sri Lanka commemorates Founder's Day - 15. 01. 2021
The Early 1950s saw a movement sweeping across the globe on a mission to improve the plight of women all over the world. The…
FPA Service and Sales Awards for 2021
With the National Council Members and the Senior Management team's participation together with all staff members, FPA's new year…
Training of Trainer Workshops
FPASL has been assigned the position of civil society focal point, with the specific target of assisting and complementing the…
16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence
16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign that kicks off on 25 November, the…
World AIDS Day 2020
Each year, on 1 December, the world commemorates World AIDS Day. People around the world unite to show support for people living…
Serving the community in times of need!
The COVID-19 pandemic has a disproportionate impact on specific populations or marginalized groups, people who are already in…

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