Our News | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

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Maldives, Sri Lanka eliminate measles and rubella
Congratulations Maldives & Sri Lanka for eliminating Measles and Rubella!They are the first two countries in ‪WHO South-East…
Survey to determine contraceptive access for youth
Our Youth Technical Advisory Committee is working on a project to understand barriers that youth face in accessing contraceptive…
International Day of Action for Women’s Health
The main goal of this day is to raise awareness on the issues related to women’s health and well being, including Sexual and…
Menstrual Hygiene Day 2020 ( MH DAY)
MH Day ( 28 May 2020) aims to break persisting taboos around menstruation, raise awareness about the importance of menstrual…
IPPF announces new Board of Trustees
The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) announced a new 15-member Board of Trustees and has brought-in historic…
FPA Sri Lanka Helplines - Phone Counselling and Support
We have expanded our helpline service to enable easy access to a counsellor. Please reach out and get the support you need.Many…
FPA Sri Lanka commemorates International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia 2020
FPA Sri Lanka commemorated International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia on the 17th May 2020. (IDHOT)Lesbian,…
Online training by the M & E Unit
Online training for telephone counsellors on use of the M & E SystemAn online training was conducted for the counsellors who…
IPPF interview with FPASL Executive Director
An interview with Thushara Agus, the Executive Director of the Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka (FPASL), on the impact of…

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