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FPA Sri Lanka participated at the ‘International Exhibition and Trade Fair and AROGYA Medical Exhibition 2014’
FPA Sri Lanka participated at the ‘International Exhibition and Trade Fair and AROGYA Medical Exhibition 2014’ held from the 16th…
International Women’s Day
International Women’s Day is a time to reflect on progress made, a time to call for change and to celebrate the acts of courage…
The 47th session of the Commission on Population and Development (CPD)
The 47th session of the Commission on Population and Development (CPD) took place from 7 - 11 April at the United Nations Head…
FPA Sri Lanka conducted a full day training program
FPA Sri Lanka conducted a full day training program at the DIMO Diesel and Motor Engineering PLC office premises on the 25th of…
FPA Sri Lanka opened its newest center in Killinochchi
FPA Sri Lanka opened its newest center in Killinochchi on 04thMarch 2014, expanding its services to the Northern Province after a…
Youthlink, an online platform developed by a group of organizations and individuals
Youthlink, an online platform developed by a group of organizations and individuals working for youth development in Sri Lanka,…
The Annual Report of FPA Sri Lanka 2012
The Annual Report of FPA Sri Lanka 2012, ‘The Jewel of Initiative’, had the honour and distinction of winning six prestigious…

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