Our News | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

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RFSU Internal Partner Meeting
Hosted by the Swedish Association for Sexuality Education (RFSU) with support from FPA Sri Lanka, this meeting brought together…
Empowering Youth Through Dialogue!
As part of our month-long celebrations for International Youth Day on August 12th, we’ve hosted a series of impactful events…
International Youth Day 2024
Around the world, young people are leading the charge for transformative change. At FPA Sri Lanka, our youth are at the heart of…
Youth Day in Koggala: Shaping the Future Through CSE
The Koggala Service Delivery Point celebrated Youth International Day with a vibrant and educational event at the National Youth…
Empowering Youth: Addressing Critical Issues on Gender, Health, and Safety in Puttalam
The Puttalam Service Delivery Point hosted a comprehensive Youth Day programme on the 12th of August, featuring a panel…
FPA joins National Steering Committee on Menstrual Health
We’re thrilled to share that FPA participated in a pivotal consultative meeting with the National Working Committee, in…
Funeral Notice - Ms. Chandrakanthi Dharmadasa
It is with deep regret that we announce the passing of Ms. Chandrakanthi Dharmadasa, who was a dedicated volunteer at FPA Sri…
RESPOND Project – Closeout Meeting in Bali, Indonesia
The RESPOND project, supported by DFAT, was launched during the COVID-19 pandemic to provide essential sexual and reproductive…
FPA Sri Lanka Appoints New Board of Directors at 53rd AGM
FPA Sri Lanka held its 53rd Annual General Meeting today at the FPA Head Office, where a new Board of Directors was elected for…

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