Empowering Youth: Addressing Critical Issues on Gender, Health, and Safety in Puttalam | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Empowering Youth: Addressing Critical Issues on Gender, Health, and Safety in Puttalam

The Puttalam Service Delivery Point hosted a comprehensive Youth Day programme on the 12th of August, featuring a panel discussion on critical and timely topics such as gender-based violence, drug abuse, sexual and reproductive health, STD/HIV prevention, and menstrual hygiene.

The event also featured drama performances and dance acts, adding a powerful and engaging dimension to the discussions.

The event was attended by prefects from local schools, providing a platform for young leaders to engage with expert panelists, including the District Secretary, the Regional Deputy Director of Health Services, the Officer in Charge of the Child and Women Bureau, and the Education and Training Officer from the National Dangerous Drugs Control Board.

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