Our News | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

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The FPA Sri Lanka is in its last phase of the SRH-HIV Integration Project that is being supported by the European Commission
The FPA Sri Lanka is in its last phase of the SRH-HIV Integration Project that is being supported by the European Commission. The…
We were happy to have Dr Manish Mitra, SARO representative, who specializes in youth SRH services
We were happy to have Dr Manish Mitra, SARO representative, who specializes in youth SRH services, participate in programmes that…
The Women’s Caucus in Parliament organised a one-day event
he Women’s Caucus in Parliament organised a one-day event on March 10, 2015 in honour of International Women’s Day. The Women’s…
Our Executive Director Mrs Thushara Agus was felicitated by the Saviya Women’s Organization
Our Executive Director Mrs Thushara Agus was felicitated by the Saviya Women’s Organization, Galle on the 14th of March in…
FPA Sri Lanka participated at the ‘Medicare, National Healthcare Exhibition 2015’
FPA Sri Lanka participated at the ‘Medicare, National Healthcare Exhibition 2015’ held from the 6th to the 8th of March 2014 at…
Hashtag Generation organised a training programme
Hashtag Generation organised a training programme for aspiring women politicians on the 25th and 26th of June. Joining from…
The Koggala Service Delivery Point conducted a half day program
The Koggala Service Delivery Point conducted a half day program on the 04th of March in celebration of International Women’s Day…
This year the global theme is “Empowering Women - Empowering Humanity: Picture It!"
This year the global theme is “Empowering Women - Empowering Humanity: Picture It!", envisions a world where each woman and girl…
In accordance to the action plan prepared under the National Youth Policy and the Policy
In accordance to the action plan prepared under the National Youth Policy and the Policy on Health of Young Persons, an advocacy…

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