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SRH programmes for differently abled people were held in Mahailluppallama Anuradhapura
SRH programmes for differently abled people were held in Mahailluppallama Anuradhapura at the Visually  handicapped Special…
A capacity building workshop on gender-based violence for General Practitioners
A capacity building workshop on gender-based violence for General Practitioners in the Colombo District was held on the…
FPA Sri Lanka organised many events to commemorate this year's World AIDS Day
FPA Sri Lanka organised many events to commemorate this year's World AIDS Day, which was once again themed as “Zero new…
Ms Anjali Sen, IPPF South Asia Regional Director, visited FPA Sri Lanka
Ms Anjali Sen, IPPF South Asia Regional Director, visited FPA Sri Lanka last week to visit our service delivery points to monitor…
A series of meetings and field visits took place end October with participants from IPPF Central Office, IPPF SARO
A series of meetings and field visits took place end October with participants from IPPF Central Office, IPPF SARO (South Asia…
Gender-based violence (‪GBV) is a growing public health concern in Sri Lanka
Gender-based violence (‪GBV) is a growing public health concern in Sri Lanka. In recognition of this problem, since 2012, FPA Sri…
International Day of Older Persons was commemorated on the 1st of October 2015
International Day of Older Persons was commemorated on the 1st of October 2015. The theme for this year is “Sustainability and…
The newly adopted Sustainable Development Goals rightly include key targets for gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls
"The newly adopted Sustainable Development Goals rightly include key targets for gender equality and the empowerment of all women…

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