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The Multi-Country South Asia Global Fund HIV Program
The  Multi-Country South Asia Global Fund HIV Programme (GFMSA) launched a pilot project to roll out HIV saliva-based testing for…
FPA Sri Lanka conducted a youth advocacy workshop
As part of the EC Champions Project, FPA Sri Lanka conducted a youth advocacy workshop on the 20th of April in partnership with…
Youth Camp on SRH Awareness
A camp was organised from the 23rd – 25th of February at the Chinthana Training Centre, Nainamadama for a group of youth…
Outreach Unit carried out a few programmes during the month of March
The Koggala Suwa Sewa Centre, which is under the purview of the Outreach Unit carried out a few programmes during the month of…
International Women’s day is universally celebrated on the 8th of March 2016
International Women’s day is universally celebrated on the 8th of March and the theme for 2016 was“Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step It…
It was a proud and momentous occasion when on the 10th of March
It was a proud and momentous occasion when on the 10th of March, the foundation stone for the new headquarters located in Nawala…
FPA Sri Lanka continues its tradition of introducing innovative
As the foremost organization in Sri Lanka for Family Planning and Sexual and Reproductive Health, FPA Sri Lanka continues its…
FPA Sri Lanka participated at the ‘Medicare, National Healthcare Exhibition 2016
FPA Sri Lanka participated at the ‘Medicare, National Healthcare Exhibition 2016’ held from the 4th to the 6th of March at the…
Mrs. Madu Dissanayake was featured on MTV - 'Face The Nation'
As a lead up to International Women's day which was celebrated on the 8th of March, FPA Sri Lanka  Director - Public Affairs,…

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