Our News | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

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First IPPF Member Association to go live! - FPA Sri Lanka launches customised webpage on SE Hub’s Online Store – 'Planet361’
The Social Enterprise Hub developed and launched an E-Commerce/Online store for IPPF MAs (https://planet361.com/).   For every…
Links to survey : Deadline 19th May 2021
Print Media SurveyAre you a full-time or part-time journalist or editor? Have you had articles published in print media? Do you…
National HIV Response Stakeholder Discussion -SKPA Project
The Sustainability of HIV Services for Key Populations in Asia Program (SKPA Program - Regional Grant) promotes the scale-up of…
MISP Training on Sexual and Reproductive Health during Emergencies
A Two-day MISP Training on Sexual and Reproductive Health during Emergencies took place on the 20th and 21st of April for Army…
Fellowship Opportunity
Recognising the pressing need for an inclusive media which creates a space for positive queer conversations and narrative writers…
Global Webinar for IPPF's Member Associations - Organized by the SE Hub
Global Webinar for IPPF's Member Associations - Transforming our Mission - SRH provision as a viable Social EnterpriseThe first…
Training of Trainer (TOT) programmes – Supported by UNFPA Sri Lanka and People of Japan.
Sri Lanka holds a leading position amongst low and middle-income countries with regard to its impressive maternal health …
M & E Unit develops SRH Country Profile
The SRH Country Profile of Sri Lanka was developed using the Microsoft PowerBI data visualization platform. It provides…
International Women's Day 2021
The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka joined the rest of the world in celebrating International Women's Day on the 8th of…

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