Our News | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

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FPASL endorses the statement made by the Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists regarding human sexuality and mental illness
A group of 100 civil society activists made a public appeal from the community of medical professionals to publicly condemn…
Former FPA Executive Director, Mr Gamini Wanasekara passes away
We at FPA are saddened to receive the news of the passing of former Executive Director (2007-2010), Mr Gamini Wanasekara. He was…
Online Youth Camp - For youth in the Hambantota District
Under the UNFPA FP2020 Project, FPA held a three-day (03-hour sessions per day) online youth camp for 50 youth from the…
Online comprehensive sexuality education - improving knowledge, changing lives!
 Every young person will one day have life-changing decisions to make about their sexual and reproductive health. Yet research…
Youth Skills Camps: Innovative learning on health, wellbeing and dignity
The world is home to the largest generation of young people in history. They are diverse, they have opportunities, but they also…
Providing Care & Uplifting Communities
Estate workers are low-income earners with extensive working hours and depend on the factory/estate to address their needs.…
Youth Camps - FP2020 Project
Under the UNFPA FP2020 Project, FPASL held two, two-day, residential youth camps in the Galle district, targeting the youth…
Changing the narrative
 A majority of Sri Lankans reportedly view LGBTQIA+ persons as having a psychiatric disorder and destroyers of the country's…
International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia 2021.
This impactful initiative was first created in 2004 to bring attention to the ongoing violence towards the LGBTQ+ community. May…

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