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Training For Times of Crisis - SimEx training
SimEx 2022 is a Simulation Exercise on Sexual Reproductive health strategies in Emergencies. The 3-day training exercise is…
Comprehensive Sexuality Education workshop for H & D, Nursing School students in Arayampathy, Batticaloa
The SRH essentials course was aimed specifically at healthcare providers. It provided interactive learning with scenario-based…
Training programme on SRH in Emergencies for Youth Volunteers in the Nuwara Eliya District.
A training programme on SRH in Emergencies was held for 25 youth volunteers in the Nuwara Eliya district on the 15th and 16th of…
Training programme on Sexual and Reproductive Health in Emergencies for Youth Volunteers in the Galle District.
A training programme on SRH in Emergencies was held for 25 youth volunteers in the Galle district on the 2nd and 3rd of September…
FPA launches 'Ask Sri!', Sri Lanka's first sex-ed chatbot
Making impactful strides in the space of sexual and reproductive health education, FPA Sri Lanka launched 'Ask Sri!', a friendly…
New Board of Directors appointed at FPA AGM
FPA Sri Lanka's 51st Annual General Meeting took place today at Water's Edge Hotel, where a new Board of Directors was elected…
Reflections from a journey by FPA Past President Chandima Gunawardena
Reflections from a journey …A journey towards the lesser known, underserved and unreached. Sometime in early 2014, If I recall…
Idle to Ideal – Timely transformation of FPA's Chinthana Training Centre property
A part of the FPA property in Nainamadama was recently cultivated with various crops in light of the economic crisis and rising…
Provincial Training Programme for Youth from the Southern Province
The residential workshop took place from the 29th - the 31st of July 2022. The focus of the event was to train youth on telling…

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