Our News | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

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FPA Sri Lanka supports “Orange Day”
The United Nations Secretary-General’s Campaign UNiTE to End Violence against Women has proclaimed the 25th of each and every…
Hands up for HIV Prevention
FPA Sri Lanka joins the Hands Up – HIV Prevention 2016 campaignFPA Sri Lanka joined the momentum of Hands Up – HIV Prevention…
Outreach Unit Activities – October 2016
FPA Sri Lanka's Outreach Unit strives to provide quality, rights-based Sexual and Reproductive Health services to the poor,…
FPA Sri Lanka’s 2015 Annual Report wins at the International ARC Awards
The 2015 Annual Report of FPA Sri Lanka titled “In the Loop”, had the honour of winning two significant accolades at the 30th …
Happy Life Centre Activities
The world is home to 1.8 billion young people under the age of 25. This is the largest generation of young people, ever, and…
New Medical Director at FPA Sri Lanka
FPA Sri Lanka welcomes Dr Harishchandra Yakandawala as our Medical Director with effect from November 2016. With over 20 years’…
Update on GFATM project - FPA Sri Lanka is awarded the national responsibility to operate as the Principal Recipient for the 2016-2018
Through The Global Fund investment, FPA Sri Lanka was able to deliver the package of HIV prevention services to 4603 female sex…
IPPF Youth Champion stars in movie
FPA Sri Lanka was at the premier of the Frangipani directed by Dr. Visakesa Chandrasekaram. The movie closely follows the lives…
Training on responding to adolescents needs
Shanthi Maargam in collaboration with FPA Sri Lanka’s Alokaya counselling center conducted a workshop from the 3rd to the 7th of…

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