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Sexual abuse common in IDP camps | Daily News
Statement by FPA Sri Lanka Medical Director Dr. Harischandra Yakandawala.Read more on : http://dailynews.lk/2017/10/18/local/…
AIDS epidemic model workshop
HIV estimations in Sri Lanka are done using Spectrum and EPP software. The National STD/AIDS Control Programme (NSACP) explored…
Visit by IPPF Humanitarian Hub representatives
Representatives from the IPPF Humanitarian Hub, Dr Luna Mehrain, Senior SRH Advisor and Dr Rajrattan Lokhande, Senior M & E…
World Mental Health Day 2017
World Mental Health Day, commemorated on October 10th each year, is a day to combat the stigma that mental health struggles are…
IPPF Humanitarian Hub meeting
The IPPF Humanitarian team conducted a knowledge-sharing event on providing quality life-saving SRH services in emergencies on…
Exchange programme for FPA Sri Lanka youth volunteers
As part of the International Planned Parenthood Federation's (IPPF) #Idecide campaign, we conducted an exchange programme for the…
The Third Biennial Meeting of the South Asian Society for Sexual Medicine (SASSM)
The largest ever Sexual Medicine Conference in South Asia is to be held in Colombo. Dr. Pramilla Senanayake, Hon. Vice President…
External Review of the National Response to HIV /AIDS epidemic and STIs in Sri Lanka -2017
The National STD/AIDS Control Programme(NSACP)of the Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka, is the main responsible body in prevention as…
Monitoring & Evaluation Capacity Building Workshop for staff
FPA Sri Lanka is implementing at present the Strategic Plan for 2016-2022 to achieve the broader goal of universal access to…

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