Our News | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

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Forum to discuss mortality and morbidity resulting from unsafe abortions
In Sri Lanka, women do not have access to legal abortion except under life-saving circumstances. Abortion is generally illegal in…
External Consultant - Social Enterprise Acceleration Programme (SEAP)
WANT TO BE A CONSULTANT IN AN EXCITING INITIATIVE?Social Enterprise Hub of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF…
IPPF Regional meetings
International Planned Parenthood Federation, South Asia Region’s, Regional Council Meeting, Regional Executive Committee meeting…
Our newest Service Delivery Point in action!
The Organization’s aim in establishing Service Delivery Points, in strategic locations Island-wide is to increase access to…
Youth Consultation Workshop
The world is home to the largest generation of young people in history. Following IPPF's lead, FPA Sri Lanka is putting young…
FPA Sri Lanka at the symposium organized by the Members of the Community Governance Platform of Sri Lanka
Local governments are a hierarchical structure that constantly work with the people to fulfill their needs and also provides…
Orientation programme for the newly appointed National Council and Technical Advisory Committee Members
 FPA Sri Lanka’s strength from its inception, has been the countless number of volunteers from diverse fields and at all levels,…
Learning visit for Bangladeshi Medical Professionals
FPA Sri Lanka hosted a training programme for medical professionals from Bangladesh on Sexual and Reproductive Health services on…
22nd International Aids Conference 2018
The 22nd International Aids Conference -23-27th July is taking place in Amsterdam, Netherlands.The International AIDS Conference…

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