Our News | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

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Youth consultation workshop on modern family planning methods
The unmet need of family planning in Sri Lanka indicates that there are certain vulnerable populations (youth, working women, and…
IPPF Annual Performance Report
The Annual Performance Report 2018 summarizes progress made by IPPF to achieve the Strategic Framework 2016-2022 so that everyone…
Coping after a traumatic event
FPA Sri Lanka’s Alokaya Counselling Unit conducted a workshop for 75 IT Executives belonging to Camso Global Information…
Healing through play
Play therapy is a method of meeting and responding to the mental health needs of children and is extensively acknowledged by…
Disability Inclusion in Gender-Based Violence Programming in Sri Lanka
In 2018, funds from the Australian Government were made available to the Women’s Refugee Commission to pilot a component of the…
Consultative meeting for integrating Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) into public health training curricula.
(MISP) is a set of life-saving activities to be implemented at the onset of every humanitarian crisis. It is an internationally…
FPA Sri Lanka Annual Report 2018
Our Annual Report for 2018 is now available online, highlighting our activities and initiatives for the year. We are grateful to…
FPA Sri Lanka AGM 2019
FPA Sri Lanka’s 48th Annual General Meeting took place on Saturday the 8th of June 2019. The Annual report for 2018 titled “…
The benefits of Comprehensive Sexuality Education are substantial!
Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) is more than just body biology and busting myths.CSE is a life-long process of acquiring…

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