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Education empowers!
Education empowers! FPA’s Koggala SDP carried out an SRH education and awareness programme at the Goodness Foundation in…
Health worker training programme - Strengthening health workforce capacity
The 3-day programme covered various topics that would enrich knowledge and enable the health workers to provide a comprehensive…
SKPA 2 Project Updates
Community Voices: Review of Draft National HIV/STD Strategic Plan 2022-2030 by Key Population CSO RepresentativesSKPA 2 over the…
FPA Sri Lanka strikes another first! ‘Family Planning Premier League’ – Inter-division cricket tournament and Fellowship Day
‘FPPL’, a 7-a-side cricket tournament, initiated to coincide with FPA’s 70th year of operations, was an event designed as a…
Training of Trainers (TOT) programme - Health sector's response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV)
As part of the work plan of the RFSU (Riksförbundet för Sexuell Upplysning – IPPF Sweden) Grant for 2023, FPA's Advocacy Unit has…
FPA Executive Director featured on 'Let's Talk' by Daily Mirror
FPA Sri Lanka's Executive Director was interviewed by Daily Mirror to be featured on the popular online segment #LetsTalk. Click…
Optima Technical Working Group Meeting
The Technical Working Group (TWG) of the Optimised Efficiency Allocation Modelling of Sri Lanka met to discuss the preliminary…
Community-led Monitoring (CLM) Technical Working Group Meeting
Community-led monitoring (CLM) is an important aspect of community engagement in HIV program delivery. It involves community-…
Promoting disability inclusion in crisis situations – ‘MISP’ training for persons with disabilities
Promoting disability inclusion in crisis situations – ‘MISP’ training for persons with disabilitiesIn humanitarian settings,…

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