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Collective Action Against Period Poverty (CAAPP) project by the French Embassy in partnership with FPA Sri Lanka - Capacity Building Workshop
The French Embassy in Sri Lanka and FPA Sri Lanka officially launched the Collective Action Against Period Poverty Project –…
Collective Action Against Period Poverty Project - partner NGOs selected
FPA Sri Lanka and The French Embassy in Sri Lanka officially launched the Collective Action Against Period Poverty Project today…
FPA Sri Lanka at the IPPF South Asia Regional Meeting
FPA Sri Lanka at the IPPF South Asia Regional Meeting The meeting took place in Delhi from the 22nd-25th of August 2023. The 4…
Webinar: Tips and tricks for maximising the potential of Digital Health Interventions
Experience sharing by affiliated Associations is a proven learning method sparking inspiration and initiative within the…
FPA Sri Lanka’s SEAP Project wins at the National Project Management Excellence Awards!
FPA Sri Lanka’s SEAP Project wins at the National Project Management Excellence Awards! In 2015, IPPF established a Social…
CAAPP Project – Selection Committee Meeting
Representatives from key organizations, including UNICEF Sri Lanka, UNFPA Sri Lanka , the French Development Agency, the Ministry…
RFSU Project – Partner meeting
Through the RFSU grant (Riksförbundet för Sexuell Upplysning – IPPF Sweden), FPA Sri Lanka's Advocacy Unit aims to strengthen the…
FPA Sri Lanka welcomes IPPF Accreditation team!
FPA Sri Lanka has been a Member Association of IPPF since 1954, was last accredited in 2017 and commencing the 4th cycle of…
Steps taken towards combating period poverty in Sri Lanka – Collective Action Against Period Poverty (CAAPP) Project
The French Embassy in Sri Lanka, in partnership with FPA Sri Lanka, has launched the Collective Action Against Period Poverty (…

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