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Field visit by FPA’s Board of Directors and Executive Director
Members of the Board, Aruni Marcelline, President, Kusum De Silva, Vice President, Amali David, Chairperson Treasury Management…
Technical Group Meeting (TWG) for Community-led Monitoring (CLM) - SKPA-2 Project
A Technical Group Meeting (TWG) for Community-led Monitoring (CLM) was convened for the 4th time by the SKPA-2 project of The…
Sustainable public financing of HIV and related health services for key populations in Sri Lanka. - SKPA-2 Project meeting
The Global Fund financed programmes have complemented services delivered by the national programme by providing essential HIV…
Raising awareness of Breast Cancer - Q&A session for FPA staff
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women globally, and early detection is critical for successful outcomes. Shockingly…
Dr Nina Puri visits FPA
Dr Nina Puri, a renowned figure in the field of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), paid a visit to FPA Sri Lanka…
Family Counselling Awareness Session at MAS Active (Pvt) Ltd-Linea Intimo
FPA’s Alokaya Counselling Unit recently conducted an awareness program at MAS Active (Pvt) Ltd-Linea Intimo in Biyagama on the…
Abortion related journal articles published
FPA Sri Lanka, through the M&E Unit, has made remarkable contributions to the field of abortion research by publishing three…
New Executive Director at The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka
Dr. Ruchitha Perera was appointed as the Executive Director of The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka (FPA) with effect…
FPA bids farewell to Executive Director Thushara Agus
FPA bids farewell to Executive Director Thushara Agus after her successful 12-year tenure.A farewell ceremony and tea party was…

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