Our News | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

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Sensitisation and Capacity Building Workshop for Health Sector Education Institutes
The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka conducted a Sensitisation and Capacity Building Workshop for Health Sector Education…
FPA Sri Lanka’s Half Year Review
FPA Sri Lanka’s half year review of organizational level performance was conducted on the 13th of July 2016. All functional…
SPRINT Initiative at work during the Sri Lanka floods and landslides
Australian Government - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade's (DFAT) propositionedfunds is being used by the SPRINT…
High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
The High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development is United Nations central platform for the follow-up and review of the…
Activities carried out under the purview of the Outreach Unit’s LILI Projec
FPA Sri Lanka was invited to conduct medical camps at two events in the month of May. One was organised by a Media Coalition and…
49th Annual Scientific Congress 2016
The 49th annual scientific congress for 2016 of the Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists was held from the 1st…
Hashtag Generation organised a training programme
Hashtag Generation organised a training programme for aspiring women politicians on the 25th and 26th of June. Joining from…
Capacity building workshop for students of Law and Human Rights
The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka conducted a capacity building workshop for students of Law and Human Rights in…
FPA Sri Lanka Annual General Meeting 2016
Pursuant to the Annual General Meeting held on the 25th of June 2016, we are happy to welcome the new Governance Members, namely…

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