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The International day of Older Persons 2016
The International day of Older Persons was commemorated on the 1st of October and this year the theme was taking a stand against…
Workshop on Comprehensive Sexuality Education
FPA Sri Lanka recently conducted a workshop on Comprehensive Sexuality Education for the members of the Gampaha Association for…
Safety 2016 ─ the 12th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion
Safety 2016 ─ the 12th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion was held in Tampere, Finland, from the 18th -…
Celebrating the International Day of the Girl Child –IDG2016
The theme for this year’s Day of the Girl Child is “Girls’ Progress = Goals’ Progress: A Global Girl Data Movement.Since 2011,…
The 33rd session of the UN Human Rights Council
The 33rd session of the UN Human Rights Council, the foremost international body for the promotion and protection of human rights…
World Mental Health Day
The theme of this year’s World Mental Health Day, observed on 10 October, addresses “psychological first aid”. The National…
FPA Sri Lanka celebrates Children’s day
Children's Day is an event celebrated on various days in many places around the world. International Children's Day is celebrated…
Global South Women
Ms Madusha Dissanayake, FPA Sri Lanka Director Public Affairs, Policy and Advocacy attended the 2016 Global South Women’s Forum…
A Tribute to the late Mr Daya Abeywickrema
Tribute written by Mr. Lal Hewapathirana (  Member of FPA Sri Lanka's Information, Education and Communication Technical…

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