Our News | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

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Launching PrEP Demonstration Project in Sri Lanka
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (or PrEP) is a medication people at risk for HIV take to prevent getting HIV. It is not a vaccine, but…
FPA Sri Lanka selected for IPPF global pilot initiative on MA governance strengthening
In April 2020, following its own reform process conducted in 2019, IPPF launched a global pilot initiative to support ten Member…
FPA Sri Lanka featured in IPPF SARO Business Continuity Report
Like other regions, the impact of the pandemic in South Asia on sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services, and commodities,…
Presentation of Activity Plan to the RHDS
Manager of FPA Sri Lanka’s Batticaloa Service Delivery Point, Shahul Imthias presented the Service Centre's proposed activity…
An enterprising solution to premature ejaculation!
Premature ejaculation is a sexual and biological condition, during which a man ejaculates sooner and at most times involuntarily…
Vacancy : Consultant/Consultancy Agency
The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka, the leading non-governmental organization working on Sexual and Reproductive Health…
Webinar - Assessing Comprehensive Sexuality Education
On the 20th of August 2020, a webinar was conducted on the tools available to assess Comprehensive Sexuality Education: SERAT (…
Webinar on Diversifying and Digitalising your Business - By the Social Enterprise Hub
The first global webinar organised by IPPF’s Social Enterprise Hub took place on the 29th of July 2020. The one hour educative…
Advocacy good practices & lessons learned: ensuring sexual & reproductive safety during COVID-19
Here is a new brief developed by the Advocacy Advisory Group (AAG), focusing on the response led by IPPF Member Associations (…

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