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Serving the community in times of need!
The COVID-19 pandemic has a disproportionate impact on specific populations or marginalized groups, people who are already in…
FPA Sri Lanka – responding to the SRH needs of vulnerable groups in the community!
5000 Hygiene Kits are being assembled at FPA Sri Lanka’s headquarters. Each Kit contains 3 sanitary napkin packs, 02 bars of soap…
Periods Don’t Stop for Pandemics – Neither Will Our Efforts to Bring Safe Menstrual Hygiene to Women and Girls
Periods Don’t Stop for Pandemics – Neither Will Our Efforts to Bring Safe Menstrual Hygiene to Women and Girls!At a time when…
FPA Sri Lanka AGM 2020
FPA Sri Lanka’s Annual General Meeting took place via zoom on the 24th of October 2020. The appointed National Council Members…
World Mental Health Day 2020
World Mental Health Day is observed on 10 October every year, with the overall objective of raising awareness of mental health…
International day for Safe Abortions - 28 September
Too many women still do not have autonomy over their reproductive lives, and are not able to choose to end an unwanted pregnancy…
Annual Report 2019
Our Annual Report for 2019 is now available online, highlighting our activities and initiatives for the year. Grateful to our…
FP2020 Project - Training of Trainer Programmes (TOT)
The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka has been assigned the position of Civil Society Focal Point, with the specific…
Access to family planning information and contraceptives can change lives! - Grass root level Training Programmes
In spite of FPA’s wide reach, the unmet need of family planning in Sri Lanka indicates that there are certain vulnerable…

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