Regional Meeting on Annual Planning and Budgeting | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Regional Meeting on Annual Planning and Budgeting

The Regional Meeting on Annual Planning and Budgeting (APB) organised by the IPPF South Asia Regional Office took place on the 29th -30th November 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand. Member Association representatives from 8 countries were present.

The objectives of the meeting were to:

Discuss and finalise the Annual Program and Budget (APB) of participating Member Associations (MAs) and Collaborative Partner (CP) of the South Asia Region

• Identify specific areas of technical support for MAs and CP for follow up action for final approval of plans and budgets

• Facilitate cross sharing and learning amongst MAs and CP

The APB describes in detail the comprehensive work programme for the ensuing year.  FPA Sri Lanka’s APB theme for 2019 is “The Quest to Serve”, which reiterates our mission and commitment to serve the Sri Lankan people in the sphere of Sexual and Reproductive Health especially targeting the under-served, marginalised and stigmatised by society. 

Director Finance, Ms Sureka Perera, Director Advocacy Ms Sonali Gunasekara and Head of Outreach, Mr Rajapakse Vithanage attended this meeting.

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