Provincial Training Programme for Youth from the Southern Province | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Provincial Training Programme for Youth from the Southern Province

The residential workshop took place from the 29th - the 31st of July 2022. The focus of the event was to train youth on telling stories on SRHR through mobile journalism (MoJo). The participants were taught how to conceptualise stories related to SRHR, conduct interviews using various techniques, and the basics of filming and film editing. Most of the youth had participated in previous youth camps by the FPA so a refresher training was also done on SRHR related topics.

Facilitators- Ruwan Bogamuwa, Dr M C Razmin, Thushara Manoj Kumara, Aswer Mohammed, and former media fellowship participants, Adhil Suraj and Isuru Somawardene

This activity was supported by RFSU.


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