Pre-marital Counselling Workshop - March 4th, 2017 | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Pre-marital Counselling Workshop - March 4th, 2017

Our premarital counselling workshop is a pro-active way to start a life-long commitment consciously and lay the groundwork for happy and fulfilling years ahead. This work shop is designed for couples that are in the process of making a life commitment to each other or newly married. Our professionals will educate couples who participate in this one-day seminar about:

  • Psychological, Sociological and legal aspects of marriage and family life
  • How to lead and maintain a happy marriage life
  • How to understand and value your partner
  • How to resolve conflicts and struggles
  • Safe sex and family planning methods

For more information or to register, please contact Ms Badra Udawatte on 011 255 5455 or 072 851 2823

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