Paper presented at the AfrEA Conference Programme in Uganda | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Paper presented at the AfrEA Conference Programme in Uganda

Mr Suchira Suranga, Head of our M & E Unit was at the AfrEA Conference Programme held in Uganda from the 27th – 31st of March, to present a paper on FPA Sri Lanka’s experience of implementation of IPPF Branch Performance Tool (BPT) – under the title “Limited resources and challenging targets? Contributing to Sustainable Development Goals through continuous monitoring of program efficiencies.” 

The Branch performance tool developed by International Plan Parenthood Federation (IPPF) is an effective tool for continuous monitoring and evidence based decision making of programme efficiency in the health sector. It contributes to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 3 which is to ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health-care services, including family planning, by 2030.

 The service delivery data collected through internet based monitoring and Evaluation information management system (MEIMS) and costing data for three consecutive years (2012-2014) were fed into the BPT. Performance of Key Efficiency Indicators and relative efficiency derived though Data Envelopment Analysis for each Service Delivery Point were used to develop a plan of action at the end of each year. Lesson learnt of the “best practice SDPs” and “improvement opportunities” of SDPs with low efficiency were identified by the BPT and were presented at review workshops as the basis for management action. There was notable achievement in all efficiency indicators from the year 2012 to 2014. 

For more information on the conference and to access the presented abstract, see link below.  

8th AfrEA International Conference 2017


27th – 31st March 2017

Kampala, Uganda 

AfrEA Conference programme Overview Monday 27th March 2017 – Friday 31st March 2017




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