Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) in a crisis | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) in a crisis

FPA Sri Lanka donated 15000 sanitary napkin packs to the Family Health Bureau (FHB) for distribution among the young #girls and #women in quarantine facilities across the country.

This activity was conducted under SPRINT Emergency Response Project funded by the IPPF Humanitarian Hub and The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT Australia).

In times of disasters, let alone pandemics, it’s easy to overlook basic essentials for people around dignity.Lack pf privacy, inadequate sanitation can make this natural biological function a needless ordeal for many. When it comes to menstruation, if women’s biological needs are not met, they face specific vulnerabilities, including stigma and shame, social ostracization and isolation, as well as physical health risks such as infection.

We must break harmful taboos about menstruation, provide education, and promote safe sanitation.

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