Meeting Reproductive Health needs of Key Populations | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Meeting Reproductive Health needs of Key Populations

Two segments of Key Populations that FPA Sri Lanka reaches out to are the plantation workers and garment factory workers.

For plantation employees, they usually do not get the opportunity to interact with communities outside the estate and factory staff are mostly away from their home towns and are boarded in cheap housing facilities. Therefore this geographical isolation limits their access to healthcare and information and in turn makes them vulnerable to STI’s and unintended pregnancies.

Our Outreach Unit strives to provide quality, rights-based Sexual and Reproductive Health services to the poor, marginalised, socially excluded and underserved communities through its Static Clinics located in Ampara, Batticaloa, Nuwara -Eliya, Koggala, Matara and in the near future at the Seethawaka FTZ.

To this end, the Outreach Unit conducted an Advocacy Programme for the factory management (25 personnel) of the Seethawaka FTZ to educate them on the products and services that will be on offer at the FPA Sri Lanka Clinic in the BOI Zone.

Dr. Harishchandra Yakandawala (FPA Sri Lanka Director Medical) conducted the sessions.

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