FPA Sri Lanka welcomes the IPPF Accreditation team | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

FPA Sri Lanka welcomes the IPPF Accreditation team

FPA Sri Lanka is a full Member Association of IPPF since 1954 and was last accredited in November 2011. Since then, IPPF’s accreditation system has been revised and it now requires all MAs to meet 10 fundamental principles and 48 separate standards as a condition for accredited membership. The review visit is scheduled from the 31st of January – 5th of February. The review will consist of meetings with the Senior Management, key staff members, the Associations main Partner Organisations and field visits to a few of our Service Delivery Points and clinics. 

We welcome the team which comprises, Ms Poornima George, Board Member, FPA India, Dr Ataur Rahman – Director, Governance and Accreditation, Organizational Learning and Evaluation IPPF SARO (Review Team Coordinator), Mr Varun Anand – Director, Finance & IT, IPPF SARO, Mr Praveen Nair – Programme Specialist, Governance & Accreditation, IPPF SARO, Ms Snjezana Bokulic, Director, Performance Division, IPPF CO and Mr Achille Togbeto, Director, Governance & Accreditation, IPPF CO.

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