Consultative meeting for integrating Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) into public health training curricula. | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Consultative meeting for integrating Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) into public health training curricula.

(MISP) is a set of life-saving activities to be implemented at the onset of every humanitarian crisis. It is an internationally accepted minimum standard of care for reproductive health, pioneered and rolled out by IPPF.

This meeting held on the 4th of June was convened to identify the scope and opportunities of the integration of MISP into the curricula of basic and post basic training courses in Public Health for Public Health Inspectors, Public Health Midwives and Public Health Nursing Sisters. The key objective was to build competencies of the primary health care service providers in implementing MISP during emergencies.


FPA Sri Lanka ( Under the Outreach Unit’s SPRINT project) conducted the meeting in collaboration with the  Education, Training and Research Unit of the Ministry of Health.

Participants comprised the organisational Heads and Sexual and Reproductive Health Tutors representing 17 Schools of Nursing, the Post Basic College of Nursing, the Military School of Nursing, the National Institute of Health Sciences, six Provincial and Regional Public Health Training Centres and the Family Health Bureau.

Dr. Harischandra Yakandawala (FPASL Consultant) and Dr. Novil Wijesekara (Medical Officer, Disaster Response and Preparedness Division, Ministry of Health) facilitated the sessions. 

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