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Director Advocacy on "Ayubowan Suba Dawasak"
Director Advocacy Ms Sonali Gunasekera was featured on Ayubowan Suba Dawasak recently to talk about violence against children and…
National Law Students’ Conference 2018
The National Law Students’ Conference 2018 took place on the 29th & the 30th of September at Sri Lanka Law College and the…
FP2020’s 3rd Asia Regional Focal Point Workshop
FP2020’s 3rd Asia Regional Focal Point Workshop is being held in Kathmandu, Nepal from 1st – 4th October 2018.All 12 of the Asia…
Improving knowledge and empowering young people in their sexual and reproductive health and rights!
Many young people have missed out on in-school Comprehensive Sexuality Education and this in turn has a significant impact on…
Meeting to discuss Sri Lanka's membership in the Family Planning 2020 (FP 2020) initiative
Family Planning 2020 (FP2020)  is a global  partnership that supports the rights of women  and girls to decide, freely, and  for…
National Family Planning Day
FPA Sri Lanka’s Executive Director, Ms Thushara Agus attended the National Family  Planning Day event which was organized by the…
'Vendom' featured on Daily FT
FPA Sri Lanka collaborates closely with the Ministry of Health on HIV prevention and elimination in Sri Lanka and access to…
Empowering youth through Comprehensive Sexuality Education
CSE empowers young people to make informed decisions about relationships and sexuality and navigate a world where gender-based…
FPA Sri Lanka's Response Statement
FPA Sri Lanka's response to the Daily News article 'NCPA GETS TOUGH ON CHILD ABUSE' : http://www.dailynews.lk/2018/09/17/local/…

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