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New Service Delivery Point opens at the Wathupitiwela BOI Complex
Times are changing and so are the dynamics of Sexual and Reproductive Health service provision...as more women are working and…
Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Sri Lanka - the need of the hour!
Contrary to what opponents of sexuality education often claim, CSE is not just about sex. When delivered well, it promotes health…
DHIS2 Analytic Tools Academy- 2019 - M & E Workshop
Mr. Amal Bandara, Assistant Director- M & E Unit and Mr, Sanjeewa Chandrasekara, Assistant M & E officer GFATM Project…
Training programme on Gender Based Violence (GBV) fundamentals for stakeholders
A three day workshop took place from the 6th – 8th of March at the FPASL auditorium for the SPRINT project stakeholders.…
Monitoring and Evaluation Information Management System (MEIMS) Upgrade
Data management is an integral part of Monitoring and Evaluation. FPA Sri Lanka developed and implemented a Monitoring and…
In-country orientation for sub recipient - FPA Sri Lanka and key stakeholders
We are one of the recipients of the Global Fund multi-country grant to support the sustainable scale-up of HIV services for key…
IPPF Reframing Training
The two day training workshop organized by the IPPF South Asian Region office took place in Mumbai on the 7th and 8th of March…
The Medicare National Healthcare Exhibition
The Medicare National Healthcare Exhibition 2019 took place from the 1st-3rd of March 2019 at the BMICH. The Exhibition focused …
Youth Leaders of South Asia gather in Colombo to enrich equality and sustainable change
On Thursday, 28th February:  Implementers of change from across South Asia, who are driven towards developing impactful…

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