Copasah - South Asia exchange and strengthening meeting | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Copasah - South Asia exchange and strengthening meeting

In December, COPASAH - Community of Practitioners on Accountability and Social Action in Health organized an “exchange and strengthening” meeting on social accountability of health in the South Asian region. It was held in Kathmandu, Nepal and the team from Sri Lanka comprised Dr. Harishchandra Yakandawala (Director Medical) and Mr Asitha Punchihewa , Project Manager (GFATM NFM HIV 2016-2018) from FPA Sri Lanka Mr Tharindu Gunathilaka and Dr Sanath Mahawtihanage from SARVODAYA.

COPASAH is a global community of practitioners who share a people –centric vision and human rights based approach to health, health care and human dignity. COPASAH South Asia envisaged a platform for discussion of a range of health rights organizations and health rights activists in different countries of South Asia (India, Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh) to contribute towards strengthening the field of accountability in health in South Asia.

Objectives were as follows

  • To understand the eco-system of social accountability in health in the South Asian Countries
  • To facilitate mutual sharing of experiences and learning from each other
  • To strengthen South Asian solidarity to promote people oriented social accountability perspectives and perspectives.
  • Explore opportunities for knowledge production from accountability practice in the region and its exchange in form of webinars, case studies and other mediums.

Here is a brief outline of the facts presented by the team on the status of health and the health care services available in Sri Lanka.

  • Sri Lanka has free health and education services and is credited with good health indicators in South Asia.
  • Malaria and filarial has been eliminated and Health as a Right is in the process of being included in the Constitution.
  • Food security remains a concern with 1/3rd of children being malnourished.
  • The ageing population is high and the country is witnessing socio-economic transition.
  • The country is witnessing an increase in the non –communicable diseases. 
  • Health services are delivered through an extensive network of primary-to-tertiary level health institutions and the Ministry of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Systems is the central government ministry responsible for health, providing both allopathic and Ayurveda services.
  • To pursue good governance roles, Sri Lanka has an Open Government Partnership (OGP) and under the OGP, the National Action Plan affirms commitments to promote transparency, accountability and public participation in different thematic areas including health, education, anti-corruption, local government, right to information, women's issues etc. 
  • The lead agency controlling the price of drugs is the Ministry of Health. Currently 72 essential drugs are price controlled in the country. 

Each country had to present their individual plans and strategies to reflect upon the idea of taking COPASAH forward and strengthening solidarity in the South Asia region.



The Sri Lanka team elaborated that they would explore the establishment of COPASAH network in the country and Sarvodaya and FPA Sri Lanka would be focal points.  As a country specific strategy, the team would initiate;

  • Mapping of Stakeholders which would involve identifying existing players and their scope and would also strive to establish a national accountability forum
  • Conducting a Rapid situational assessment and review of existing documents and systems as well an opinion survey (service providers and public including political leadership)
  • Pursuing advocacy at policy level, public level and management level and involving politicians, the President and Prime Minister to undertake leadership roles in advocacy
  • Developing a country specific strategic plan – this would include a national consultative process, development of a draft plan and consultation process to finalize the development as well as developing monitoring and evaluation systems and implementing tools.


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