Youth Centre Launched at FPA! | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Youth Centre Launched at FPA!

We’re thrilled to announce the opening of our new Youth Centre at the FPA Head Office!

With the support of the President of the Board of Directors, Mrs. Aruni Marcelline, and Executive Director, Dr. Ruchitha Perera, and

driven by the request of the Youth Services Committee, this centre marks the beginning of a new era in youth engagement.

Ms. Kritanjali Ratnasabapathy, Chairperson of the Youth Committee, highlighted the centre’s importance: “Our main aim for this Youth

Centre is to create a space where young people feel part of something bigger than themselves, fostering a community where their ideas and

efforts truly matter. This Centre empowers us to innovate, collaborate, and lead, ensuring our voices shape a future where sexual and reproductive health and rights are accessible to all.”

Here’s to a new chapter of inspiration and impact!

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